Hohenheim University - full time postdoctoral position offer
The Institute of Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics of Hohenheim University offers a
starting 1st of March 2008. The initial contract duration is 16 months with option for prolongation up to 6 years. Salary is payed according to the German public employment scale (13 TV-L).
Management of a comprehensive long term research programme on development of community driven breeding programs in the northern highlands of Vietnam in the frame of the Special Research Programme (SFB 564, “ The Uplands Programme”);
Supervision of bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses;
Teaching in English-speaking master courses in modules on livestock in the Tropics and Subtropics and as part of the organic food chain;
Scientific administration;
We offer the challenge to work in a motivated team in an international environment and give you an opportunity to carry out own research and training. The working time may be reduced upon consideration of your individual wishes.
You qualify as ideal candidate if you hold a PhD in Agricultural Science in the field of Animal Production and have working experience in South-East-Asia. You are fluent in English and understand German. You have skills in project management and communication and like to work in a multicultural team.
Interested candidates should send a letter of application, CV, copies of university certificates, a list of publications and a sample publication to:
Also further information may be obtained via email.
We regret that we cannot refund any application expenses. We look forward to receiving your application and refuse difference to be made because of gender, handicap, religion or ethnicity.