In many parts of the developing world, pigs are kept under low-input systems where they roam freely to scavenge food. This study from University of Edinburgh and ILRI used Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to track free range domestic pigs in rural western Kenya, in order to understan...
Husbandry practices, challenges and farmers knowledge on T .solium taeniosis / cysticercosis to assess the sustainability of local pig industry
Tropical Animal Health and Production, Vol. 42, Issue 5.
Performance traits of finishing pigs housed in bagasse deep bed and fed with diets based on enriched sugar cane molasses are similar compared with the pigs on concrete floor.
The Gateway is a single access point for a wide range of information related to the welfare of farm animals.
Le témoignage d'un journaliste spécialisé plongé dans l'univers de l'élevage porcin à Madagascar
This page describes briefly the trends and practices of pig husbandry in urban area and especially in and around Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
L'élevage porcin traditionnel, familial ou paysan est généralement de type extensif et se caractérise par une minimisation des intrants et des investissements. Découvrez quelles sont les grandes caractéristiques de ce type d'élevage, ainsi que les voies d'amélioration dont les paysans dispose...
Les performances des animaux dépendent de leur génotype, de leur environnement, du mode d'élevage, etc. Elles expriment essentiellement une aptitude biologique et peuvent être caractérisées par des paramètres zootechniques, qui concernent la reproduction ou la croissance. Ces références techn...
find out the extent of adoption of improved pig production technology and identify the factors that influences adoption of pig production technology in pig farmers
The purpose of this study was to monitor the production, health and marketing of indigenous Tswana pigs in Ramotswa village of Botswana over a 12-month period.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different covariance structures on the statistical significance and on the fixed effect estimates, using as an example the data of four hormones in a repeated measures experiment.
In the mountainous areas of North Vietnam, pig production is conducted on a semi-intensive level and can be characterised as demand driven. Are local pig breeds and improved introduced pig genotypes suitable for smallholders? What are the potentials and limitations for future development of t...
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