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African Swine Fever: pathogenicity | The pathogenicity of two groups of African swine fever virus isolates from Cameroon in domestic Pigs
Recording of the responses of pigs infected with the CAM/88 and CAM/86 ASF virus isolates selected to represent the two groups circulating within the pig population in Cameroon.
Materials and methods
Group 1 infected with the CAM/86 isolate of ASFV
Clinical signs
Gross lesions
Viremia and virus titres in the tissues
Group 2 infected with the CAM/88 isolate of ASFV
Clinical signs
Gross lesions
Viremia and virus titres in the tissues
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En savoir plus
Amélioration du diagnostic et de la connaissance épidemiologique du virus et de ses interactions avec le porc
The effect of passage in pigs and pig bone marrow cultures on the genome of the Cameroon isolate (CAM/82) of ASF virus
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