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2. The Institute of Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 ONF, UK
African Swine Fever: virus isolates | Comparison of genomes of African swine fever virus isolates from Cameroon, other African countries and Europe
Determination of genetic relationship between ASF virus isolates from Cameroon, other African countries and Europe by restriction enzyme site mapping of their genomes.
Materials and methods
Restriction enzyme analysis of the genomes of European and Cameroon ASF virus isolates
Comparison of BamHI restriction enzyme site maps of genomes of European and Cameroon isolates of ASFV
Restriction enzyme analysis of the genomes of ASFV isolates from Cameroon and other African countries
Figure 5: Restriction enzyme analysis of genomes of African swine fever virus isolates from Europe, Cameroon and other African countries with the restriction enzyme BamHI. The figure shows positions and sizes of the molecular weight markers in Kbp. |
Figure 6: Restriction enzyme analysis of genomes of African swine fever virus isolates from Cameroon and other African countries with the enzyme BamHI. Molecular weight markers are indicated. |
Comparison of BamHI restriction enzyme site maps of genomes of Cameroon and African isolates of ASFV
Figure 7: BamHI restriction enzyme site maps of virus genomes of Cameroon, Angola, Katanga/67 and Dakar/59 isolates of the African swine fever virus. The variable regions in each genome are indicated. |
Figure 3: Restriction enzyme analysis of genomes of Cameroon and European isolates of the African swine fever virus with the restriction enzyme XbaI. Lanes 1-10 consist of ASFV isolates mentioned in the same order as in figure 1. Sizes of molecular weight markers in Kbp are indicated. |
Table II: Sizes of BamHI-L restriction enzyme fragments in genomes of isolates of African swine fever virus from Cameroon and Europe (in Kbp) Figure 4: Comparison of BamHI restriction enzyme site maps of genomes of Cameroon and European isolates of African swine fever virus. Variable regions in the different genomes are indicated. Restriction site maps of the genomes of virus isolates from Europe taken from Wilkinson et al. (unpublished results). Table III: Distribution of isolates of African swine fever virus from Cameroon and Europe into groups based on the sizes of BamHI-L restriction enzyme fragments |
Figure 8: Hybridization of the plasmid DNA clone RK’ with BamHI digests of CAM/82, CAM/86, Dakar/59, Katanga/67, Angola/72 and Lisbon/57 isolates of the African swine fever virus. Molecular weight markers in Kbp are indicated. |
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