Here is a monograph made like a praiseworthy and commendable initiative oriented to the best knowledge of the history and evolution of the genetic animal resources in the world; referring in Ibero-America it occupies an emptiness in this matter.
The Latin American Program of Science and Technology for the Development reaches a new goal with the publication of the book "Latin American Pig Biodiversity: Characterization and sustainable use ", presented within the activities of the Latin American Network of the Local Domestic Animal Biodiversity for the Sustainable Development.
Here is a monograph made like a praiseworthy and commendable initiative oriented to the best knowledge of the history and evolution of the genetic animal resources in the world; referring in Ibero-America it occupies an emptiness in this matter.
The great importance is doubtless that the pig has on the Latin American agrarian development, since it constitutes a protein source of high level and has a great potentiality for the product obtaining with quality and elevated price, with great amount of sub-operated genetic forms and with production systems that can produce a great environmental impact.
It agrees this presentation with the celebration of VII the World-wide Conference on Biodiversity in Kuala Lampur (Malaysian), that is a support of the basic postulates but in the agreements reached in 1992 in the Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro, to restrain the loss of biodiversity and to introduce the necessary measures for the maintenance and improves of the species.
The compilation of the different national experiences stands out in this monographic work, which allows to have an ample and comparative vision of the different organizational models and management of the production, the maintenance and improves of the ancestries, and that will suppose, without a doubt, a stimulus for the improvement and optimization of the scientific and technological plans of cooperation in the Latin American countries.
This work has been possible thanks to the collaboration of numerous groups of scientists who welcomed with interest this initiative and which they have made a very fruitful effort for the elaboration of the different chapters. Program CYTED, when supporting the publication of this book hopes to be able to contribute to the conceptual systematization and the thorough knowledge of this problematic one in the Region, with the advantages that it supposes for a suitable agrarian operation of this resource animal. The made task deserves all our gratefulness, that corresponds of very special form to all those that, under the direction of Juan Thin Vicente, publisher-coordinator of this work, have carried out east work.
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