The Computerized Journal of Pig Production (originally named in Spanish, Revista Computadorizada de Producción Porcina, RCPP) is a quaterly scientific journal.
The Computerized Pig Production Journal (RCPP in Spanish) was created by the Swine Research Institute (Havana, Cuba) in 1994 and promotes Cuban research articles and new methods in tropical swine production. From 2005, this journal has been co-sponsored by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, from the Autonomous University of Yucatán (Mérida, México), and the Faculty of Agronomy, from the Central University of Venezuela (Maracay, Venezuela). The Journal has as mission the diffusion of all type of experimental result or ideas arising to sustain pig production in a tropical environment. In three numbers per year and supplements up to 2004, the RCPP publishes review articles, technical notes and scientific articles, always originals, dealing with basic, theoretical aspects, and practical, applied themes concerning feeding and nutrition, biochemistry and physiology, pig enterprise management and extensionism, technological processes and economy in pig production, applied mathematics and any other subject related to pig production, such as integrated systems in pig production and environment.