In view of lack of a systematic database on this information, ILRI has been developing the Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Information System (DAGRIS) as a web-based electronic source of information on selected indigenous farm animal genetic resources.
FAOSTAT is an on-line and multilingual database currently containing over 3 million time-series records covering international statistics in the following areas (Production, Trade, Food Balance Sheets, Producer Prices, etc.).
DAD-IS is the key communication and information tool for implementing the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR). It is being developed first to assist countries and country networks
GLiPHA is a user-friendly, highly interactive electronic atlas using the Key Indicator Mapping System (KIMS) developed by the World Agriculture Information Centre of FAO.
ISIS is a non-profit organization that maintains computer-based information systems used by the worldwide zoological community. Information in the ISIS system helps members meet increasing conservation responsibilities as natural wildlife habitats disappear or become untenable.
io - La Banque de Données de l'Alimentation Animale a pour mission la diffusion d'informations fiables et complètes concernant la composition chimique et la valeur nutritionnelle des matières premières.