Endogenous livestock development focuses on livestock and people .
This project is designed to gather and share information relevant to the control of two of the most important diseases in the OIE List of Notifiable Diseases, foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and classical swine fever (CSF), both of which have caused devastating outbreaks of disease in Europe and...
LEAD (Livestock, Environment And Development) targets the protection and enhancement of natural resources which are affected by livestock production and processing and also focuses on poverty reduction and public health enhancement through appropriate forms of livestock development.
Créée par l'Office de l'Elevage et INTERBEV, en association avec INAPORC et les instituts et centres techniques (INRA, ADIV, Institut de l'Elevage, ITAVI, IFIP, CTCPA), c'est une nouvelle source d'information pour votre entreprise ou votre organisation, un outil de veille scientifique.
ALive is a regional partnership based on a multi-stakeholders Platform to reposition the African livestock sector into the development agendas of the national, regional and international policy makers, by emphasizing its crucial impacts in terms of poverty alleviation and sustainable economic...
The list of distribution 'CERDO-IBERICO' is a forum promoted by the Animal Production Department (in the High Technical School of Agriculture and Forestry Engineering) of the University of Córdoba.
Be-troplive is an informal and multidisciplinary platform, which is open to institutional or individual members involved in tropical animal health and production activities.
Le Réseau africain de laboratoires d’hygiène alimentaire (Ralha) est un réseau régional interactif d'échanges intellectuels, méthodologiques et matériels.
Specialist network about epidemiology and epidemio-surveillance of tropical animal diseases
Agricultural researchers and social scientists join medical and veterinary doctors to combat an emerging neglected zoonosis in Sub-Saharan Africa
Le premier site francophone dédié à l'aquaculture des pays du Sud ! Il s'adresse en priorité aux pisciculteurs et acteurs des filières, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'aquaculture tropicale.
Le Caribbean Network of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories and Epidemiology (Caribvet) est un réseau de collaboration entre différents organismes intervenant dans le domaine de la santé animale dans la région des Caraïbes
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