The Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service
Bibliographies on Pig Science in the Tropics in partnership with CTA and CABI
Details about this service
The SDI service is aimed at providing agricultural researchers with up-to-date information on their particular research topic. The focus is more on ACP
research priorities rather than on individual research priorities. A specific SDI profile on Pigs in the Tropics is available and can be ordered according to CTA rules.
CABI and CIRAD provide the SDI service on behalf of CTA. Both centres are well qualified in terms of subject area, information resources and infrastructure. The service is based on regular searching of multiple databases whose basic package includes CAB Abstracts, Agricola, Agris and Agritrop. Every 2 months, researchers are provided with bibliographic information which includes abstracts.
Each researcher may order up to ten (10) full text articles from journals, reports, books, and or grey literature identified from the SDI bibliographies. Whole books and reports can be supplied on request, subject to availability and cost. Articles will also be supplied only within copyright regulations.
Bi-monthly SDI bibliographies can either be received by ordinary mail or by email according to researchers preference.
How to subscribe?
For more information on the service, please visit the CTA website at Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service. To be eligible for the SDI service, you need to be:
To apply for the SDI profile on PIGS in the TROPICS, please download and complete the SDI application form, and return it to CTA. When filling in this form make sure you select the profile on PIGS in the TROPICS
CTA will select SDI applicants according to:
If your application is accepted, you will receive SDI bibliographies every 2 months. These lists can also be used to order articles. To stay on the SDI list, you will also need to fill in the Client response form and send it to us.