Reproductive performances under tropical conditions
Gestation percentage and prolificacy of sows under tropical conditions using traditional and intra-uterine artificial insemination techniques
The objective of this study was to compare some reproductive traits obtained through traditional artificial insemination or intra-uterine insemination, in a pig farm located at the south of Yucatan. The study was carried out from May 2002 to April 2003 in a full cycle farm, with approximately 3200 sows. The information of 1454 sows inseminated with the conventional technique and 967 records of sows inseminated with the intra-uterine technique were used. Inseminations were carried out twice (morning and afternoon) with an interval of 12 hours after estrus detection. During insemination, a boar was kept in front of the sows and bags (8-12 kg) were put on the back of the sow to simulate the weight of the boar. Data on fertility (%), number of pigs born, number of pigs born alive, piglets born dead (%), mommies (%) and farrowing interval (FI) were analyzed using t test and general linear models.
The type of insemination used had effect (P<0.05) on FI, which least square mean was greater for the traditional technique (148.4+0.71 days) than for the intra-uterine technique (145.1+0.59 days). Parity number had effect on all the variables studied. In general, the first and second parity sows had the smallest litter sizes and the larger FI when compared with sows with three or more parities.
In conclusion, the intra-uterine insemination did not have any detrimental effect on the productive traits studied. Therefore, considering the advantage of producing more doses per ejaculate, the intra-uterine technique is a good option to increase rentability, making the maximum use of the boars with the best breeding values.
Llanes Chalé J E, Alzina López A, Segura Correa J C, Álvarez Fleites M J y Góngora Castro G 2007:
Porcentaje de gestación y prolificidad de cerdas en el trópico utilizando las técnicas de inseminación artificial convencional e intrauterina. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 19, Article #145.
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