OIE - 15 April 2009 Immediate notification
Southern California, March--April 2009
One pig farm infected with CSF in Western Galilee (source: OIE & ProMED)
Taipei - 12 years after the export ban, FMD hits again
André nous a quitté hier après plus de 25 ans au service de la recherche zootechnique et de l’Afrique
one person has tested positive for the Ebola-Reston virus in the Philippines
PHILIPPINE - A strain of the Ebola virus were confirmed in three pig farms north of the Philippine capital Manila
All Irish pork products have been recalled
Over 100 pigs have died of African swine fever.
The veterinary authorities have reported an outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF), the first since 2005.
Vidéo en Français
Le nouveau portail d'information sur les ressources fourragères
Un nouveau site internet totalement consacré aux mycotoxines en productions animales vient de voir le jour.
Mise en ligne de la version de démonstration
BURKINA FASO - Un tchadien décroche le premier doctorat à l'Université Polytechnique de Bobo Dioulasso sur la dynamique des élevages porcins au Tchad
AZERBAIJAN - An outbreak of ASF is registered for the 1st time
ZAMBIA - ASF outbreak recorded in Northwestern province
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