Telefood project in Indonesia | Pig Husbandry and Vegetables Cultivation in Indonesia
Project reference
Anugrah Group
village of Asotipo, Sub-district Wamena, Papua.
Budget (FAO contribution)
US$ 9 950
Target group
Twenty-seven poor households were establishing a small scale group under the name of Anugrah Group at village of Asotipo, sub-district Wamena, District Jayawijaya, Papua. The members group are eager to improve their community welfare.
Pigs husbandry will facilitate them to have better living condition as selling price of the pigs are high and they have highly respect to their traditional custom to utilize pigs for any kind of ceremonies. Vegetables cultivation will support their daily consumption and possibilities of having plenty harvest will give them opportunity of selling their commodities;
To improve income generation of members’ group.
To enhance members capacity building to improve pigs’ production and vegetable plantations.
To encourage member’s of the group to be self-motivated, and to improve self-reliance and self-confidence.