materias primas y subproductos alternativos; requisitos alimenticios bajo condiciones tropicales; estrategias de alimentación económicas
Feedipedia is an open access information system on animal feed resources that provides information on nature, occurrence, chemical composition, nutritional value and safe use of nearly 1400 worldwide livestock feeds. It is managed jointly by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO.
CIAT and Hohenheim University tested 10 alternative forages for their nutritional value and in-vitro digestibility for pigs in order to predict their potential as alternative protein supplement in a tropical smallholder context.
Use of hand-made cassava silage as energy source in diets of fattening pigs
Effect of rice distillers’ by-product on growth performance and digestibility in Moo Laat and Mong Cai pigs fed rice bran and water spinach
A mixture of taro leaf silage and water spinach can be used in the diet of Mong Cai gilts in pregnancy and lactation without affecting reproduction
Determination of the intake and the apparent digestibility of fresh chopped and whole water spinach (WS) by pregnant sows
Ensiled taro leaves can replace up to 30% of the dietary fish meal in diets for growing pigs without loss of performance
Validación de la técnica de digestibilidad total en cerdos como método de determinación de la digestibilidad posruminal de la proteína en bovinos
Morfometría de algunos órganos digestivos de cerdos alimentados con dietas de cereales, miel B de caña de azúcar y palmiche
With a protein content ranged from 17 to 33% in dry matter and a well-balanced array of amino acids, rice distillers’ by-product is a valuable feedstuff for small-holder pig production
Taro (Colocacia esculenta ) leaves as a protein source for growing pigs in Central Viet Nam
Utilización de diferentes niveles de proteína en dietas de miel B o harina de yuca y NUPROVIM basado en torta de soya para cerdos en crecimiento-ceba
Digestibility and nitrogen balance with different levels of ensiled leaves in a basal diet of sugar cane juice
Effect of multi-strain microbial fermented soybean meal on growth performance, serum profile and intestinal physiological status of weaned piglets
an interesting review of palm kernel cake utilization in animal nutrition
Growth performance of pigs fed water spinach or water spinach mixed with mulberry leaves, as protein sources in basal diets of cassava root meal plus rice bran or sugar palm syrup plus broken rice
Digestibility and N-retention in crossbred pigs of diets with water spinach or water spinach mixed with mulberry leaves as protein sources in basal diets of cassava root meal plus rice bran, or sugar palm syrup plus broken rice
Effect of replacing soybean meal with a mixture of Taro ( Colocasia esculenta (L.)Schott) leaf silage and water spinach on apparent digestibility in Mong Cai gilts at two stages of gestation
Effect of replacing soybean meal by a mixture of taro leaf silage and water spinach on reproduction and piglet performance in Mong Cai gilts
Effect of Taro ( Colocasia esculenta ) leaf silage as replacement for fish meal on feed intake and growth performance of crossbred pigs
Digestibility and nitrogen balance studies in pigs fed diets with ensiled taro ( Colocasia esculenta ) leaves as replacement for fish meal
Estudio del efecto en lechones lactantes del probiótico de la biomasa proteica obtenida por la tecnología de cultivo de Lactobacilli y levaduras en miel "B"
Effect of mixtures of water spinach and fresh water hyacinth leaves on growth performance of pigs fed a basal diet of rice bran and cassava root meal
Growth performance of pigs fed on diets containing Acacia karroo , Acacia nilotica and Colophospermum mopane leaf meals
Evaluación agronómica de la yuca ( Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivada en el Valle del Sinú, Colombia
Growth performance and nutrient digestibility of growing pigs fed a mixture of palm kernel meal and cassava peel meal
Evaluation of uncultivated vegetables for pigs kept in upland households
Developing diets for collared peccary ( Tayassu tajacu ) from locally available food resources in Bahia, Brazil
A note on the effect of fresh mulberry leaves, fresh sweet potato vine or a mixture of both foliages on intake, digestibility and N retention of growing pigs given a basal diet of broken rice
Intake, digestibility and N retention by growing pigs fed ensiled or dried Taro ( Colocasia esculenta) leaves as the protein supplement in basal diets of rice bran/broken rice or rice bran/cassava root meal
Effect of variety and wilting on HCN content of cassava leaves and on intake, digestibility and N retention by growing pigs
Effect on the growth performance and carcass traits of growing finishing pigs
Chronic ingestion of dietary FB1 of >5.0mg kg-1 generally reduced nutrient utilization in growing Large White pigs
déterminer la digestibilité des rations contenant des taux croissants de la drêche ensilée des brasseries, du tourteau de palmiste et des coques de cacao chez le porc en croissance finition.
La spectroscopie dans le proche infrarouge ( SPIR ) est une technique analytique basée sur le principe d’absorption des rayonnements (infrarouges) par la matière organique. Cette absorption étant liée à la composition chimique des échantillons, on peut estimer cette dernière par la sim...
This ACIAR project aims to bridge the gap by assessing locally available protein and energy sources as potential components of commercial pig diets. On-farm assessments and other extension activities will share these results with the commercial and smallholder sectors.
En Guadeloupe, les exploitations de monoculture de canne sont menacées: le prix de rémunération de la production de la canne à sucre va fortement diminuer, la fertilisation uniquement minérale augmente la dépendance de l'archipel et fragilise les sols. Dans ces conditions peut-on diversifier...
Déterminer la digestibilité des rations contenant la farine de coques de cacao et son taux optimum d'incorporation dans les rations alimentaires des porcs en croissance finition
Une expérience a été menée pour évaluer l'efficacité des traitements thermiques par grillade (chaleur sèche) et par cuisson (chaleur humide) des graines de soja sur les performances zootechniques des porcs en croissance finition (d'après un article de la Revue Élev. Méd. vét. Pays trop.).
The authors document the value of the leaves of Giant Taro as a protein source in pig diets based on sugar cane juice (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
Thirteen genotypes of fonio (Digitaria exilis, Stapf) assembled from the Saboba-Chereponi and Zabzugu-Tatale Districts in the Northern Region of Ghana were evaluated for the amount of crude protein and minerals in the polished grains. (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Devel...
On-farm trials to study intake and digestibility in growing pigs fed different levels of sweet potato leaves and water spinach as supplements to a mixture of rice bran and cassava root meal (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
On-farm trials to study the effect of (i) different levels of substitution of wilted cassava leaves by water spinach; and (ii) a basal diet of broken rice or a mixture (50:50) of rice bran and cassava root meal (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
On-farm trials were conducted in the Red River Delta area near Hanoi, Vietnam, to test the nutritional value, as pig feed, of sweet potato roots ensiled with various other materials and to study the feeding efficiency and labor-saving potential of using sweet potato silage as pig feed (with t...
Pigs can be fed 40% BDG diet without adverse effect on nutrient digestibility and N retention, although, the optimum inclusion should be 35%. (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
In Vietnam, liquid feeding is a traditional practice. However, fermented liquid feed is also used for lactating sows, but is not commonly used for growing and finishing pigs where the available data of the effects of fermented liquid feed are limited (with the permission of Livestock Research...
The HCN content in leaves can be reduced by sun-drying and ensiling. The use of simpler methods of processing the fresh leaves, such as chopping, washing and / or wilting would facilitate the use of cassava leaves as animal feed (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development...
Castrated male pigs were used in a 2*3 factorial arrangement to study the effect of source of supplementary protein (fresh water spinach, fresh cassava leaves or a mixture [50:50 DM basis] of the two) and DL-methionine on growth performance traits with a basal diet of broken rice (with the pe...
The Center for Livestock and Agriculture Development (CelAgrid-UTA Cambodia) studied the effect of water spinach and fresh cassava leaves, fed alone or mixed together, on intake, digestibility and N retention of growing pigs fed a low-protein, basal diet of broken rice... (with the permission...
Crossbred pigs were distributed at random into four treatments to study, during seven weeks, the effect of the introduction of graded levels of cassava root meal on performance and carcass traits... (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
In Hanoi, Vietnam, total meat production increased from 31,000 t in 1997 to 33,000 t in 1999. This production meets only 50% of the total demand of the city and the other half is produced in neighbouring provinces and rural areas. Meat demand is expected to increase to a further 119,600 t by...
This study was carried out to determine the effects of feed additives on pig growth and nutrient utilization of a diet based on the whole cassava plant (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
Four local castrated male pigs of 12.5 to 18.5 kg were used to study the effect of stylosanthes leaves and cassava leaves fed alone or as mixtures on the intake, nutrient digestibility and N balance on a basal diet of broken rice (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Developmen...
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of method of processing cassava leaves on the intake, apparent digestibility and nitrogen retention by indigenous piglets of diets based on broken rice (with the permission of Livestock Research for Rural Development).
Assessment of the input in pig production with special focus on feed resources and feeding management in resource and demand driven production systems in Son La, Northern Vietnam...
CIRAD © 2007 (Derechos reservados) - Legales informaciones - Actualizaión de la pagina : 16/05/2007